The Vineeth Laboratory and R &D Centre has been primarily set up to cater to the needs of M/s. Vineeth Chemicals and M/s.Vineeth Precious Catalysts Pvt. Ltd. in their manufacturing and product development activities. However, the Lab can accept assignments from other sources subject to availability of spare capacity and resources.
The lab has an array of equipments needed for day to day activities, as well as equipments necessary for developmental activities, viz Electronic Analytical Weighing Balance, Electronic pH Meters, Melting Point/ Boiling Point Determination Apparatus, Rotary Evaporator, Polarimeter (for optical rotation measurement), Ovens, Vacuum Oven Muffle Furnace, TLC, 600 ml capacity ultra-modern Autoclave (Hydrogenator) operatable at up to 100 Bars fitted with heating and jacketed cooling arrangements for regulating reaction temperature, magnetic stirrer drive for regulating stirring speed, pressure gauges and digital pressure regulators, solenoid valve for regulating reaction pressure, spark-proof motor and rupture valve for safety, etc.
All the equipments have been arranged and positioned in a logical manner for facilitating smooth and efficient working. Fume cupboards have been provided on each floor for carrying out tests that generate fumes. Sufficient illumination, air circulation, Ventilation and fume exhaust systems have been provided in each section. Fire extinguishers have been provided at strategic locations. All measuring equipments are always kept under calibrated status.
The facilities of R & D Centre are made available to our clients and prospective clients for assisting them in the selection of appropriate catalysts for hydrogenation and optimization of hydrogenation conditions for their products. The facilities of R & D Centre can also be made available for imparting training to the Chemists of our clients. These facilities are made available to clients and prospective clients at a nominal cost.
Technical Specifications have been laid down for each and every raw material as well as for finished products. Specifications have been laid down for every stage of manufacturing operation and are to be complied with before moving to the next stage. Batches are released to customers only after testing and approval by our Q.C. Laboratory.
As far as possible, digital equipment are used. All the equipments are subjected to periodic preventive maintenance and calibration. Only Calibrated equipments and volumetric glassware are used for measurement activity. S.I. units are adopted. As far as possible only AR Grade chemicals and LR Grade solvents are used in the Laboratory Section. Only trained chemists are deployed for testing activity. Samples drawn for testing or submitted for approval are drawn in a manner so as to represent the entire batch. Counter samples of all the batches released are preserved till the shelf life of the product. Test Reports and Records of the batches released are preserved at least for a period of one year.
Test methods and test procedures adopted are such so as to produce repeatable and reproducible test results at the first instance. The test methods are based on internationally accepted principles and test procedures. Good Laboratory Practices are followed. Test Results are periodically corroborated by external testing carried out at laboratories of repute.
Determination of Nickel content is based on Nickel – Dimethyl Glyoxime complex formation (in ammonical media) based gravimetric method.
Determination of Palladium content is based on Palladium – Dimethyl Glyoxime complex formation (in acidic media) based gravimetric method.
Platinum is estimated gravimetrically by conversion of Platinum to Ammonium Hexachloroplatinate followed by its conversion to pure Platinum.
Ruthenium is estimated gravimetrically by classical wet method. Conversion of Ruthenium to hydrated Ruthenium Trichloride followed by its reduction to Ruthenium metal which is insoluble in aqua regia.
Moisture content / L.O.D. content are determined by drying in oven at 107°C to constant weight. Hydrogenation capability, i.e Activity of the catalyst manufactured is measured on an All Glass Activity Measurement Apparatus. This apparatus is capable of detecting and quantifying even a small difference in hydrogenation capability of different samples of catalysts. It is reported as uptake of Hydrogen in ml/minute by specified quantity of Nitrobenzene dissolved in Methanol while using a specified quantity of the catalyst.
For further details please contact us on +91 8149095778.